Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Pray for Magic

Dear Friends In Yoga,

When I truly accept that certain patterns in my life are no longer working, and I can't see a solution for the problems at hand, I pray for transformation and guidance.  I pray for magic.  I usually don't know who I'm praying to, but I know that the act of praying can bring some relief; quieting the body and mind for a moment.  In those connected moments, when I give myself just enough time to turn inward, magic happens. Sometimes the shift is immediate, sometimes it takes a few days, weeks, even years, but these magical moments make me feel like the universe must have been listening to my prayer because the answer can be so coincidental or meaningful that there's no other explanation for it.

In reality, when we pray for magic, we are asking for the power to shift something at will. That's all "magic" is and we do it every day. We have the power to shift our perspective at will, whenever we choose. Then we can start to see our past stories as little allegories of gratitude and view our current fears and disconnected places as opportunities for growth. It is our own soul that shines differently because we decided to make a change.
Magic isn't easy work, but it's worth it.  When we can finally recognize that a "problem" is a gift in disguise or that a feeling is "just a feeling," we are free.  And free to start the process all over again, at any moment. 
See you on the mat,
Megan Morris :-)

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