Monday, November 30, 2015

December ~ Big Changes!

Dear Friends in Yoga,

Change is rarely easy. Sometimes, we welcome something new because we instantly see that it will make things better for us and those around us. But often, we encounter denial, telling ourselves that change is not happening or that it is not necessary, until we reach the moment when it's no longer possible to ignore. As often as I've embraced change in my life, I've probably resisted change twice as much. Next month, I will face a big change that will also effect many of you. 

Beginning on January 4th, I will no longer be teaching my night classes. This was such a hard decision for me! With this change, I will have more time to nurture my own yoga practice and be a part of my son's bedtime routine more often. This option was never available to me in the past. I am grateful that my Arbonne business is providing financial freedom so that I can now enjoy more time freedom. 

For those of you that have regularly attended my evening classes, I hope your schedule will allow you to join me in the mornings. If not, please come see me in the next few weeks so I can give you a big hug and thank you for sharing your practice with me over the years. Sally will be teaching a Level 1 class on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6pm starting January 4th and I highly recommend her class! I hope to be practicing along side many of you in the coming months. 

This month will also be my last "Breathing and Meditation" class. If you haven't tried it yet, please join me on Sunday, December 13th from 4-6pm

I will still be available for private sessions. Please don't hesitate to contact me if that would be a better option for you at this time in your life. 

With gratitude,

January Schedule:

Arbonne International
Megan Ridge Morris
Independent Consultant ID#22367179

Why start your own Arbonne business?
The Arbonne Opportunity call with
Executive National VP, Debbie Neal

Try Yoga!

Monday, October 5, 2015

October Newsletter

Dear Friends in Yoga,

My son is five months old today. If you can't believe it, trust me, neither can I. However, one thing I am now sure of and quite clear on are my priorities. I've often said in class that we must take care of ourselves first to better serve the people that we love. That has entirely new meaning to me. Now, it's absolutely necessary that I make time for yoga, walks in nature, massages, healthy eating and meditation so that in a challenging moment at home, I'm not reactive or resentful. My #1 priority is making sure I give Ridge my best, which also means I need to give myself the best. 

My job is awesome because everyone I'm seeing "at work" has made the conscious choice to engage in self-care. Carving out time for ourselves isn't always easy, but it's always worth it. And thankfully, it's not about being perfect. It's about practicing without an attachment to the outcome and knowing in our gut that we're doing our best for our soul and for every soul we have the honor of intertwining with in this life. 

Hope to see you on the mat this month!

With gratitude,


Weekly Schedule:




Wednesday...4:30p...Inspired By You




I am teaching an "Art of Teaching Beginners" workshop for teachers on November 1st from 9-5pm! If you attended last year, there will be plenty of new information this time around.

I am back to teaching Pre/Post-Natal yoga on October 25th11:30-12:45pm. Pre-crawlers welcome! 

I teach a Breathing and Meditation classon the 2nd Sunday of every month from 4-6pm at the Yoga Loft. This is a great thing to try at least once! You will learn techniques to practice at home and things you can apply to your regular yoga practice in class. 

Monday, August 24, 2015

Arbonne Launch!

Dear Friends,

Owning one business just ain't enough for this lady! In addition to teaching yoga, I am now officially an Independent Consultant for Arbonne International.

This opportunity feels meant to be. Arbonne is in total alignment with my yogic lifestyle. There is a Sanskrit word in yoga philosophy called "saucha," or, "cleanliness." Many people equate saucha with attention to one's personal hygiene. While showering is one important aspect of saucha, I think the concept is rooted in something much deeper. It includes an awareness of what kinds of foods we eat and the quality of the ingredients that touch our skin. Each time I ingest or apply something to my body, I try to ask myself, "Is this product truly clean? Is it pure, safe and beneficial?" Arbonne's mission embodies the very essence of saucha and it's what makes me proud to spread the word about their brand. 

If you'd like to learn more, please join me at one of my launch parties! There will be absolutely no pressure to buy anything at these events. It's just a chance to learn more about the company, be in community and try out some of Arbonne's phenomenal health & wellness products. Refreshments and light snacks will be provided. Baby Ridge will also be in attendance. Come squeeze his rapidly growing, chubby cheeks! 

Both launch parties will be held at my home (please PM me for my address) on: 

I will also be having two Facial Presentations at my home. Let me practice on you!

If you can't attend any of these parties or presentations, no worries! We can schedule a private spa party with a group of your friends or a one-on-one consultation anytime. 

Please know that nothing about my yoga schedule is changing. I am still deeply committed to my yoga business and cherish each and every student that's ever walked into my classroom. My Arbonne business only consists of 10-15 hours of work per week, leaving plenty of time to nurture the many other loves in my life!

I made some updates to my website, including some new, upcoming yoga classes and workshops! I've got a "Mommy & Me" series running in September, monthly "Breathing & Meditation" classes and a "Teaching Beginners" training in October.

See you on the mat (or at the party!).

With gratitude,

Arbonne International
Megan Ridge Morris
Independent Consultant ID#22367179
Cell: 484-350-1180

Listening to this call could change your entire future. It already has for me. Do you have 20 minutes to invest in the rest of your life?
Arbonne Opportunity call with
Executive National VP, Debbie Neal

Try Yoga!

Sunday, June 7, 2015

June Newsletter: Return to Teaching, Meet the Baby, Childcare Needed!

Dear Friends in Yoga,

I'll be back to teaching on the evening of June 17th! I've missed you all so much!!

If you'd like to meet baby Ridge, you have three opportunities to do so. My husband Chris will be bringing Ridge to the Yoga Loft after my classes on June 17, 18 & 19!

For those of you that practice with me at Inspired By You, please note that my Wednesday class will now begin at 4:30pm.

Chris and I are looking for reliable people to take care of our baby while we're teaching. I would like to exchange childcare for yoga. We'll need sitters to come to our home in Bethlehem starting August 24th.

Here's how it works:

1 childcare shift = 1 free yoga class

If only one shift a week works for you, that's fine! You'll get one free class per week. If 2 shifts work, you'll get 2 free classes per week. Our only request is that you commit to the same childcare shift and the same yoga class each week to make scheduling easy.

Childcare Shifts Available:
Tuesdays 9:15-11:15am
Wednesdays 8:45-10:45am
Thursdays 9:15-11:15am
Fridays 8:45-10:45am

Yoga Classes Available:
Mondays 6-7:15pm (G/L1)
Tuesdays 9:45-11am (L1)
Wednesdays 9:15-10:30am (G)
Wednesdays 4:30-5:30pm (G)
Wednesdays 6-7:15pm (G/L1)
Thursdays 9:45-11am (L1)
Fridays 9:15-10:30am (G)

G = Gentle
G/L1 = Gentle/Level 1
L1 = Level 1

If you or anyone you know might be interested, please contact me at your earliest convenience.

See you on the mat,

Megan, Chris, Baby Ridge & Horatio (our big, friendly dog!)

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Ridge's Birth Story.

On May 3rd, the morning after my 31st birthday, my mucus plug fell out. The day that followed, the doctor checked my cervix for the first time and at 36 weeks pregnant I was two centimeters dilated. The next day, at 9:40am, at the studio where I teach yoga, my water gushed. Not just broke, but dramatically, movie-style gushed. My students wished me well and I drove home to see what would happen next.

My doula told me that there might be drawbacks to going directly to the hospital before contractions intensified. Sometimes doctors grow impatient (especially with the many first-time mom's that commonly have 24-48 hour labors) and pressure women to take pitocin to make contractions happen faster. I had expressed a strong desire for a natural birth throughout my pregnancy, no drugs what-so-ever, and had a detailed birth plan. So at home, I took a shower, ate some food, my husband walked the dog (he had taken the day off from work to paint the upstairs hallway), and I did my best to tidy up a very dirty house. 

My water kept randomly gushing and I started to feel light cramping. I felt nervous, anxious and excited. At 10:45am, I decided to go to the hospital knowing that I could always leave if I felt I wasn't progressing fast enough. 

It was on the 10-minute drive to the hospital that it became clear I had made the right choice to go. I had two contractions in the car, which meant I was suddenly within the range of where I should be to go to the hospital. In triage, contractions started to come every three minutes. After I was admitted, I couldn't walk to my room without doubling over in pain. When the doctor checked my cervix, I was four centimeters dilated. 

I tried to unpack my hospital bag, thinking that in all my downtime I would enjoy some of the DVDs, books and music that I brought. But things escalated so quickly, I almost immediately found myself on the floor, on hands and knees, writhing and sighing heavily. 

I instructed my husband to put on Neil Young's "Cowgirl in the Sand." This marks the point where things got a little hazy. 

I was not mentally prepared for how intense labor would be. I had heard so many conflicting opinions about what a contraction feels like that I honestly didn't know what to expect from my own body. I was also under the impression that a contraction lasted approximately one minute with breaks in between contractions. 

This was not my experience. 

From 11:30am until 4:30pm, I would have three or four contractions in a row, followed by 30 seconds to a minute of peace to catch my breath and process the fact that I was still alive. I went from four centimeters to six in four hours and then jumped from six to ten in less than an hour. I screamed and wailed. Deep moans, primal, uncensored sounds and instinctual movement overtook my body. 

Then the pushing began. With each contraction, I started to feel a natural urge to push. The doctor confirmed that I was fully dilated and she stayed with me for three hours while I slowly moved my baby down. My husband sat behind me in the bed and held me, encouraging me to keep going. My aunt and doula made sure I stayed hydrated with quick sips of water and apple juice. The nurse set up a mirror so I could see my progress. His tiny head became more visible with each contraction. 

The burning I felt in the final pushes that brought my baby to the other side was both excruciating and sincerely welcomed. I knew I was finally close to finishing this marathon. I pushed his head out and in the same contraction barred down with all my might and with animalistic fiery pushed the rest of his body into this world. The feeling of fluids and flesh sliding out of me was such a strange and exhilarating relief. 

At 7:21pm on Cinco de Mayo, after only nine hours of labor, my baby, Ridge Michael Morris, was immediately placed on my chest. Everything else faded away. It was the greatest moment of my life to hold in my arms the life that had lived inside of me for eight months. 

We stayed skin-to-skin for an hour. My doctor stitched a tear. My husband kissed me furiously with great admiration and passion. The nurses fluttered around us. I counted Ridge's fingers and toes while he breast fed. I talked to him and cried with him. 

I fell in love.

Throughout pregnancy, women are encouraged to rest and take it easy. On the final day, they are expected to do the most physically challenging thing they will ever do in their lives. It's a paradox.  

Now, that part of the journey is suddenly over, much sooner and faster than I had ever anticipated. My baby shower hadn't even happened yet, and for the first few days of Ridge's life I was overcome with all that needed to be done. 

A week later, I'm writing this story with Ridge sleeping peacefully on my lap. I can say with complete honesty that it was all worth it. I would even entertain the idea of doing it again. I loved being pregnant. I love that labor showed me what I am capable of and how strong I can be.

I don't care that I'm not getting any sleep or that I spend eight hours out of 24 breastfeeding, pumping, burping and diaper changing. When Ridge opens his brilliant blue eyes to explore his blurry new world, I am reminded that I have already learned so much from my time with him and I will continue to grow because of him. 

In one week, my entire life has dramatically shifted for the better. I have overwhelming and abundant gratitude. 

Monday, May 4, 2015

May Newsletter!

Dear Friends in Yoga,

On May 2nd I turned 31 years old. This birthday was completely different compared to my 30th. Last year, losing my mother to cancer was still fresh in my raw heart and I was also mourning a recent miscarriage. I was finding every opportunity to check out and numb out so I wouldn't have to feel the pain of these losses. My 30th birthday was not a particularly healthy experience. This birthday, I am eight months pregnant and feeling great! Over the past year, I've shifted away from self-medicating and into acceptance, clarity and contentment. I feel I've grown up a lot and I owe a lot of it to my healthy choices. I've been practicing yoga for nine years now, and my commitment to yoga seems to save me from myself every time. Life has many ups and downs. I am thankful to have a consistent mindful practice that helps me restore and remember what's most important in life. The mat is always there waiting for us when we've lost our way. This year, it brought me home.

With gratitude,

Come practice with me this week! Who knows when this baby is coming...

Mon: 6:00-7:15pm G/L1 at Yoga Loft
Tue: 9:45-11:00am Level 1 at Yoga Loft
Wed: 9:15-10:30am Gentle at Yoga Loft
Wed4:00-5:00pm Gentle at IBY
Wed: 6:00-7:15pm G/L1 at Yoga Loft
Thu: 9:45-11:00am Level 1 at Yoga Loft
Fri: 9:15-10:30am Gentle at Yoga Loft

Private yoga sessions may be a good option if you're new to yoga, recovering from injury, have a hectic schedule, or if you're simply interested in advancing your practice privately. I have a small yoga room in my home that is perfect for private sessions or I will gladly come to you! 

1 Private Yoga session: $75
3 Private Yoga sessions: $210
5 Private Yoga sessions: $325
Phone/FaceTime/Skype session: $50

Breathing and Meditation Practice
Sunday, May 17th from 4-6pm
Cost: $20
At the Yoga Loft of Bethlehem

In this 2-hour class we will explore breathing techniques that can be applied to your physical yoga practice, as well as exercises to calm, balance or energize the nervous system at anytime, day or night. Meditation with a focus on breath and/or mantra with also be included. Expect some brief, light movement. 

Pre / Post-Natal Yoga Series
April 5 - May 24, 2015
Sundays, 11:30am-12:45pm 
At the Yoga Loft of Bethlehem

The Art of Teaching Beginners
November 1, 2015, 9:00-5:00pm
At the Yoga Loft of Bethlehem

During this day long workshop, we will explore how to continually be creative with beginner sequencing, dissect great beginner poses that can be taught in stages, learn essential modifications and intelligent uses of props and breakdown the basic guidelines and differences between teaching intro to yoga, level 1 and progressing beginner classes. We will refine our instructions so that we are speaking clearly, concisely, and specifically to the beginners’ mind. Megan will also spend plenty of time answering specific questions you may about teaching beginners. 


Monday, April 6, 2015

April Newsletter

Dear Friends in Yoga,

IT'S SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

I hope you are all enjoying the beautiful weather today (even if it's just a walk around your office building at lunch time!) and soaking up some much needed Vitamin D. 

Spring is a time of rebirth and a perfect time to look at how our yoga practice can represent a cycle of life. In the beginning, as we sit or lie down in quiet to focus our thoughts, we are born again. As we warm up, we get to know the body just as a child learns to navigate crawling and walking. Sun Salutations are like our teenage years- a demonstration of strength, power and stamina. Standing poses are like our 20's-40's-- exploratory, and a time to learn more about how we want to show up in the world. Back bends must be approached with the knowledge of all that as come before-- much like our 50's and 60's, when we must apply the wisdom necessary to tackle the harder things in life. Our quiet, long-held and contemplative seated poses mirror our 70's and 80's, a time for reflection, understanding and enjoying life from the broad lens of experience and acceptance. And, of course, Savasana is death, the ultimate rest. But not a death to fear, because every time we come to our mat, we begin again. 

I have some great offerings coming up this month that I hope you can attend! 

See you on the mat,


Brain Tumor Foundation of the LV Fundraiser!
At St. John's UCC in Emmaus (139 N 4th St)

All proceeds from this event will benefit brain tumor patients in our area, helping patients' in need pay their healthcare insurance, chemotherapy, other necessary cancer medications and respite care. 

$10 entry fee
$1 per raffle ticket
$1 per minute massage

1:30-3:15pm ~ Raffle / Massage with Johnny and Kim / Snacks

2:00-3:00pm ~ All Levels Yoga Class with Me! (Beginners welcome)

3:15pm ~ Announce Raffle Winners

The Mindful Breathing Practice
April 19th, 2015, 4-6pm
Cost: $20
At the Yoga Loft of Bethlehem

In this 2-hour class we will explore breathing techniques that can be applied to your physical yoga practice, as well as exercises to calm, balance or energize the nervous system at anytime, day or night. Meditation with a focus on breath and/or mantra with also be included. Expect some brief, light movement. 

To register and learn more, click here

Pre / Post-Natal Yoga Series
April 19 - May 24, 2015
Sundays, 11:30am-12:45pm 
At the Yoga Loft of Bethlehem
No pre-registration necessary!

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

March Newsletter

Dear Friends in Yoga,

Let me guess, you're sick of this weather. 

That's all I've been hearing lately. Let's change the record! Weather is one of those things in life that we have no control over, but we can control our perspective. We happen to live in an area of the world where winter weather is expected for four out of 12 months. I personally love the changing of the seasons. I always look forward to each season when it arrives. Spring seems to be the most anticipated, which makes it that much sweeter to step outside on those 60 degree days and maybe even see a flower sprouting! We're not too far away from that daydream. In the meantime, what can we do to banish winter blues? I think you know my answer... YOGA! Don't let ice and snow dictate your mood. Instead, use this time to turn inward and see what's real and true for you today. Slow down. Generate warmth and contentment from within. Peace is always inside waiting for us. 

See you on the mat,

Weekly Schedule:
Monday...Gentle/Level 1...6-7:15p...The Yoga Loft
Tuesday...Level 1...9:45-11a...The Yoga Loft
Wednesday...Gentle...9:15-10:30a...The Yoga Loft
Wednesday...Gentle...4-5p...Inspired By You
Wednesday...Gentle/Level 1...6-7:15p...The Yoga Loft
Thursday...Level 1...9:45-11a...The Yoga Loft
Friday...Gentle...9:15-10:30a...The Yoga Loft

For the next 5 weeks I am teaching a FREE class for prison staff and first responders on Thursdays, 3:15-4:15pm at Easton Yoga through the Shanthi Project. Please spread the word!

My breathing class this month is Sunday, March 15th from 4-6pm at the Yoga Loft. This is a great class for learning how to breath more efficiently in regular yoga classes and for learning techniques to help calm, balance and energize the nervous system anytime, day or night. Give it a try! 

Mark your calendars now for the 2nd annual Brain Tumor Foundation of the Lehigh Valley Fundraiser! Saturday, April 11th at St. John's UCC Church in Emmaus. All proceeds from this event will benefit brain tumor patients in our area, helping patients' in need pay their healthcare insurance, chemotherapy, other necessary cancer medications, and respite care.  

Each year in the United States, nearly 200,000 people are diagnosed with a brain tumor.  The lack of awareness and funding for brain cancer research is simply unacceptable.  This fundraiser is in honor of my mother, as well as the many others that have lost their lives to this vicious cancer. 

$10 entry fee
$1 per raffle ticket
$1 per minute massages

1:30-3:15pm ~ Raffle / Massages with Kim Kane-Santos and John Pilotti / Snacks

2:00-3:00pm ~ All Levels Yoga Class with Megan Ridge Morris

3:15pm ~ Announce Raffle Winners!

**Please bring your own yoga mat or beach towel!**

Kids aged 10+ are welcome to practice yoga with their parents. 

We are in need of raffle items for this event! 

Read my newest articles here and follow my new fan page on Facebook, The Writing Yogini