I am currently writing to you from my living room, where the Christmas tree is lit all day and night, as long as someone is here to stare at it. Most of me absolutely loves this time of year- the decorations, the parties, the gifts and good will. The other part of me sees how stressful this time of year can be- the decorations, the parties, the gifts... ha! Yoga has definitely helped me develop a positive perspective so that I can enjoy the holidays as much as possible. I've been practicing yoga every day for 60 days- my goal is to practice for 90 days straight, and I imagine by then, I simply won't want to stop. Through this process, I've discovered that we all have the same amount of time in the day- we just choose to spend it different ways. During this busy time of year, many of us feel we must sacrifice our routine and the things that make us happy in order to prepare for the festivities, whether it's buying gifts, entertaining guests, etc. Remember that your holidays will only be more enjoyable if you're doing something for yourself in the midst of everything else.